Sunday, June 21, 2009

Police Cadets' Gathering

21st of June- A gathering has been organised for the police cadets for the whole country from all four districts, held at the stadium in the Police headquarters, Gadong. And of course gathering, meaning there is marching!! Other than that, there was also a exhibition by the marine police, CID, and more....

At the entrance of the exhibition.
Crime scene (Example)

Explanation by the officer (CID).

Syamim trying out the float.

SAfwan trying out the oxygen tank. It wasnt that heavy..he said.

Statues. Officers of higher rank. *salute*

look at the different kinds of pangkat..mine is on the very left...last row...first one. (pangkat SM)

We had the marching at 4pm but we arrived at bandar, the Police headquarter at 9am. So, we waited and in between we had our group photo.
Male and female cadets who attended the gathering and marching.

(Female) Group photo before marching.

(Male) Group photo before marching.

The Boys and girls got to take a ride...oh...i should say a SIT on the bikes...while waiting for the marching to begin in the morning.
from the left....Firdaus, Syamim, Falak, Chu, And lastly Safwan.
Sariyah, Nadzirah & Nadhirah.

Other than that, We had fun too. we went out to a restaurant...liyana restaurant...if nt mistaken. We ate then went back to the headquarters again.


Cadets on the field. In position after marching in. St.MArgaret's is at the last, Second to the right.

AND so...THats it for our gathering. It was tiring since we stand under the sun without moving..for more than an hour...and before the marching..we had to get ready under the sun which in a total, putting us standing under the sun for more than 2 hours. SyABAS Police cadets of St.Margaret's. AND also not forgetting the chung ching students too...WELL DONE!!!!

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